Tulsa Wiring

If you’re in need for a reliable local Tulsa wiring contractor for your Cat 5 or CCTV wiring then you should check out Cam Technologies.

Jimmie and all of his employees at CamTech do fantastic clean work. We’ve seen firsthand proof of that. So if you are looking for someone to wire, install and setup a CCTV surveillance system then give CamTech a call at 918-688-8860 or visit their website http://camtechtulsa.com


Thinking of a Web Site?

We help a lot of our clients with their internet needs. I thought we would make this post to help you with the how, what, and why’s of a web site.

There are 2 items you need to have a web site:

Domain Name

The domain name is what you type in to visit your web site (ie: google.com). We prefer name.com for our domain registrations. They are very reliable and affordable ($10/year). Try to get your domain as a .com and register the .net and .org as well.

Web Hosting

Web hosting is in essence the computer where you will be storing your files for your web site. There are many types of web hosts and types available to choose from. Shared hosting is the cheapest route but you are sharing the computer with many other people. This can sometimes create problems with your site getting hacked. The next step up is a Virtual Private Server or VPS for short. A VPS is probably the best bet for any business getting their web presence started. It offers a competitive price to the shared hosting and also the safety and security of being the only account on a virtual machine. Nexus uses and recommends ServInt.net for VPS hosting.

At Nexus Solutions we can guide you and your business all along the way to getting your web site up and onto the internet. Just contact us and let us know what you need.